Saturday, 18 April 2009

RJ Reads Part 3 of Presentation

Dear Esteemed Audience Members,

Here is my reading of the Six Sections of Part 3 of this morning's presentation. I hope you this helps you with your teaching and learning. rj

Friday, 17 April 2009

Brief Video Description of RJ BB, 3 Website &

This is a brief video chat about the upcoming presentation and communal constructivism (Holmes et al., 2001).

I usually just do one take and leave it how it is due to time constraints, so this is not H/Bollywood quality but you might find it entertaining!

Enjoy the rest of the ALLT Conference!


Thursday, 16 April 2009

Part 2 & Part 3 of RJ's Blackboard, Websites

This is a dialogue between RJ and his graduate student Tim regarding the second half of the presentation (three ESL/EFL websites and Frequently-Used English Phrases for the University Classroom. Enjoy!

Blackboard, 3 Websites & Frequently-Used Engl

RJ and one of his graduate students discuss his upcoming presentation. In this recording, we mostly discuss the first part of the presentation. (Take 1)

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Blackboard, Websites & ITA Handbook

This is a 25 minute screen capture video of most of this presentation to assist with the pronunciation of some of the terms. Good luck and I hope you enjoy this aspect of the presentation! rj


Promoting Internationalization with the Blackboard Learning Management System, EFL Websites & English Phrases for the University Classroom*

Robert E. Johanson
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
National Taiwan University of Science & Technology

*This presentation is supported by grants received from the National Science Council (NSC 97-2410-H-011-014) and the NTUST Department of Applied Foreign Languages.


Special Thanks to the Following for their Assistance:
  • The Taiwan National Science Council
    (NSC 97-2410-H-011-014)
  • NTUST Department of Applied Foreign Languages
  • Our faithful student participants & research assistants.

The Three Goals of this Workshop & Presentation

Foster internationalization & e-learning via:
1) a useful Blackboard exercise
2) three ESL/EFL websites
3) English-language teaching terms


1. Blackboard is not merely an online filing cabinet
2. Advantages of interactive learning with Bb:
a. S’ can view others’ work
b. S’ scaffold each others’ learning
c. permanent record of S’ learning
3. Communal Constructivism (Holmes et al., 2001)

What is communal constructivism?

1. Views e-learning system as interaction site
2. S’ leave permanent imprint on system
3. Communally-constructed knowledge base

Using BB LMS DB to Create Interactive Assignment

These are the steps delineated in RJ's PowerPoint slides:

1. From Teacher Control Panel Click on Discussion Board
2) Open Up a Forum and Post Assignment
3) Students Post Work onto Discussion Board
4) Classmates Comment on Classmates' Work
5) Instructor Cuts & Pastes Answers as Threads

Advantages of This Format

1. S’s can post anonymously
2. S’s can edit classmates’ work
3. S’s learn more from classmates than T
4. S’s can edit and modify own sentences
5. T’s comments visible to all
6. Peer Corrections = Better Quality

Part 2: Useful Websites

1. Randall’s Listening Lab
3. Purdue University Online Writing Center (OWL)

1. Randall’s Listening Lab

2. (中文 )

3. Purdue University OWL

PART 3: Useful Phrases for Classroom Communication*

1. Introducing Topics
2. Making Transitions
3. Summarizing & Concluding
4. Inviting Participation
5. Clarifying Student Comments
6. Giving Examples

Introducing Topics

1. What we are going to cover today is ...
2. First of all, I would like to talk about ...
3. Today, I am going to talk about …
4. What I want to do today is ...
5. The important point I want to make today is ...
6. Today's topic is ...

Making Transitions

1. Now, let's see what happens.
2. The second point I want to make is ...
3. If that's clear, we will go on to the next point.
4. Let's get back to the idea of ...
5. Now, let's approach the problem in a different way.
6. I'd like to finish talking about ... before we move on.

Summarizing & Concluding

1. In summary .../To conclude .../In conclusion ... /
2. The conclusions we can draw from this are ...
3. What we have been talking about ...
4. Okay, we have discussed ...
5. So far (up until now), I have been trying to show you ...
6. The important points to remember are ...

Inviting Participation or Discussion

1. Who would like to say something?/Do you agree...?
2. Could you say a little more about that?
3. Can you elaborate on that? / What do you think ...?
4. What comparison can you make between ...?
5. What is the point made by the author of this article?

Clarifying Student Comments

1. In other words ...
2. If I understand you correctly, you mean ...
3. What you said is ...
4. What this means is that ...
5. I think I understand what you mean.
6. Let me put it another way.
7. Would you like to elaborate on this point?
8. This brings us to our major question ...
9. Could you restate your point?
10. I'm not sure I understand.

Giving Examples

1. For example ...
2. Take ..., for example.
3. To be more specific ...
4. Let me give you an example ...
5. For instance ...

RJ’s Common In-Class Phrases

1. Attendance/Taking Roll
2. Late/Tardiness
3. Class Rules & Regulations

Attendance & Taking Roll

1. Who’s absent today?
2. Time to take roll.
3. Present / Not Present
4. Anyone M.I.A.? (missing in action)
5. Who’s gone A.W.O.L.? (absent without leave)

Late & Tardiness

1. You’re late.
2. The doors will be locked ten minutes into the period.
3. Tardiness reflects a lack of respect for your teacher.
4. Two lates equals an absence.
5. *Don’t worry: Better late than never, right?
6. *Don’t tell me, you were born late, too, right?
7. *You’re not late, you’re just early for next week, right?

Class Rules & Regulations

1. Please raise your hand if you have something to say.
2. No sleeping in class. (“You snooze, you lose.”)
3. Please put your cell phones on silent mode.
4. Please don’t talk when I’m talking.
5. See me after class.
6. No eating in class.
7. *And what was your advisor’s name, again?
8. *Your new English name is Chucky! [Tai-gi: “Chut-ki”]


Do vs. Due

“Due next week.” vs. “Do next week.”

Example Sentence: “Due next week in class.”
These two words are often confused by NNES. "Due" means "to be turned in" and "do" means that we will be performing the exercise in class.

Grades & Test Performance

1. Learning Check == Quiz == Test == Examination
2. G.P.A. = Grade Point Average
3. I want to know what you know, not know what you don’t know.
4. To ace a test. - To bomb a test. - Goose egg.
5. I’ll definitely be seeing you next semester! (Implying that the poor student will fail! ;-)

Conclusion & ITA Handbook Reference

This presentation introduced you to:

1) an interactive Bb DB interactive writing assignment;
2) three useful ESL/EFL websites;
3) some commonly-used English-language phrases for the university classroom.

Remember that effective internationalization and e-learning begins with each of us! rj

ITA Handbook Reference:

Ronkowski, S. (1999). The International Teaching Assistant Handbook: An Introduction to University and College Teaching in the United States. Santa Barbara, CA: Regents of the University of California.